Magic Mountain Alpine Slides
Only a short walk from Big Bear Frontier Cabins and Hotel, visitors can enjoy a full day of family fun at the Alpine Slides on Magic Mountain.
A Rather Unique Ride
The Alpine Slides are far different than your average amusement park ride, and that's why they're such a great time. Step into an alpine slide and you're in the driver seat. Imagine riding in a speedy bobsled without snow on the track, and sitting up with a clear view of the fantastic scenery. In the winter, certain points along the track reveal snow-capped mountains and tall evergreens. Every other season, the crisp alpine air revives the senses, as a spectacle fulgent of greenery delights.
Easy to Maneuver for Youngsters
Kids can easily master the alpine slides in merely one trip down the mountain. A handle on the inside allows you to speed up for lengthy straight-aways or slow down when approaching the turns. These things are fast! Kids always get real excited about the sheer speed of the experience. After the first ride, parents often get that familiar "tugging on the sleeve" for another ride. (Tickets are available per ride or in a booklet of five). For the younger kids, parent and child can ride together down the mountain.
For those who'd rather leisurely cruise along and enjoy the sights; there are two tracks to select from. The slower track is on the right, and the one on the left is for ludicrous speed-maestros.
Altogether the Alpine Slides at Magic Mountain are great fun for all ages, and it's literally a hop, skip and couple of jumps from Big Bear Frontier Cabins.